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Hazelnut Spirits with Hubertus Vallendar: A Journey into the World of Hazelnuts

| Inside World-Spirits

Inside World Spirits © Episode 7 Hazelnut Spirits, Hubertus Vallendar

Can be streamed (in German with English subtitles) in the protected area - directly at

Everything revolves around the subject: Kiss of the Hazelnut with Brandy

• Talk partner: Hubertus Vallendar, distiller and creative person from Germany
• Viewer guest: Christian Habich, business consultant, Austria
• host Wolfram Ortner -20 minutes of exciting and profound presentation

Products/ spirits:
• Hazelnut Piedmont Spirit, Hubertus Vallendar Distillery, Germany
• Bauer’s Kiss of the Hazelnut, Franz Bauer Distillery, Austria
• Dolleruper Hazelnut Brandy, Dolleruper Distillery, Germany

In this exciting episode of "Inside World Spirits," we delve into the fascinating world of hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar. Learn more about the art of distillation and the unique aromas that make these spirits so special.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to the World of Distillation
  2. The Tradition of Distilling
  3. Serendipity and the Hazelnut
  4. Piedmont Hazelnuts: The Best Choice
  5. Roasting and Processing Hazelnuts
  6. The Role of Botanicals in Distillation
  7. Hazelnut Spirit vs. Hazelnut Liqueur
  8. Sensory Analysis of Hazelnut Spirits
  9. Various Products: From "Kiss of the Hazelnut" to "Dollerup Hazelnut Spirit"
  10. The Future of Hazelnut Spirits
  11. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Hazelnut Spirits

Introduction to the World of Distillation

Distillation is a fascinating process that encompasses the art of creating high-quality spirits, focusing on taste and aroma.

The Distillation Process

In distillation, fermented liquids are heated to vaporize the alcohol, which is then condensed. This process separates volatile components from unwanted elements.

Raw Materials for Distillation

Various raw materials can be used for distillation, including fruits and nuts. The hazelnuts from Piedmont are renowned for their quality and are often used in the production of hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar.

The Tradition of Distilling

Distilling has a long tradition dating back to medieval monasteries, where the foundations for spirit production were laid and knowledge of distillation was passed down.

Family Businesses and Knowledge Transfer

In many family-run distilleries, the art of distilling is handed down from generation to generation, ensuring the preservation of this tradition.

The Role of Sensory Skills

Sensory skills play a crucial role in the distillation process. The ability to recognize and combine aromas is often honed early in training, essential for developing unique spirits.

Innovations in Tradition

Despite traditional roots, there is room for innovation. New techniques and combinations of aromas expand the possibilities in spirit production, allowing distillers to create creative products.

Serendipity and the Hazelnut

The discovery of hazelnut spirits was not planned but a result of fortunate coincidences. Hubertus Vallendar and his partner Arno Dirker explored the possibilities of hazelnuts in the 1990s.

The Origin Story

The two distillers experimented with various raw materials and discovered the potential of hazelnuts, aiming to capture the rich flavors of this nut in liquid form.

The Importance of Quality

Selecting the best hazelnuts is crucial. Vallendar regularly travels to Piedmont to source the finest nuts directly from the growers, ensuring high quality and unique flavor notes.

Piedmont Hazelnuts: The Best Choice

Piedmont hazelnuts are considered the best in the world, known for their unique aroma and intense flavor, making them the top choice for producing hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar.

Special Characteristics

Hazelnuts from this region are renowned for their high quality and offer a variety of aromas that shine in the spirits.

Direct Contact with Growers

Direct contact with growers in Piedmont allows Vallendar to select the freshest and most aromatic nuts, critical for the quality of the final products.

Roasting and Processing Hazelnuts

Roasting hazelnuts is a crucial step in producing hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar, intensifying the aromas and releasing characteristic flavor notes.

The Roasting Process

Hazelnuts should be roasted soon after harvest to retain their full aroma. Even roasting ensures the nuts maintain their crunchy texture and rich flavor.

Impact on Aroma

  • Release of essential oils
  • Development of intense roasted notes
  • Avoidance of bitter flavors

Proper roasting significantly influences the quality of the spirit, creating unique flavor profiles.

The Role of Botanicals in Distillation

Botanicals play a vital role in creating hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar, enhancing and enriching the main ingredient's aromas.

Impact of Botanicals

In addition to hazelnuts, various botanicals such as vanilla or lemon balm can be added to increase the spirit's complexity and aroma.

Harmonious Combinations

  • Vanilla for sweetness and depth
  • Lemon balm for fresh notes
  • Harmonious balancing of aromas

Careful selection and combination of botanicals are crucial for the sensory experience of the hazelnut spirit.

Hazelnut Spirit vs. Hazelnut Liqueur

The terms hazelnut spirit and hazelnut liqueur are often used interchangeably, but there are important differences based on production methods and ingredients.


A hazelnut spirit is a product distilled from hazelnuts without additives. In contrast, a hazelnut liqueur may include added sugar or flavorings like vanilla.

Production Methods

  • Spirit: Direct distillation of nuts
  • Liqueur: Addition of sugar or flavorings
  • Regulations: EU regulation defines the terms

Understanding these differences is important as they affect the quality and taste of the products. Hazelnut liqueur is often sweeter and more aromatic, while hazelnut spirit emphasizes pure nut flavors.

Sensory Analysis of Hazelnut Spirits

Sensory analysis is essential for evaluating the quality and flavor nuances of hazelnut spirits. The aromas play a central role in perceiving the spirit.

Aroma Profile

A high-quality hazelnut spirit features a wide range of aromas, including roasted notes reminiscent of freshly baked waffles, as well as hints of nougat and cocoa.

Taste Characteristics

  • Intense roasted hazelnuts
  • Creamy texture
  • Notes of dark chocolate
  • Harmonious sweetness without added sugar

The taste experiences are complex and long-lasting, making hazelnut spirits a special treat. A well-balanced aroma ensures an engaging and harmonious enjoyment.

Summary of Sensory Features

Sensory analysis shows that hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar stand out due to their diverse aromas and high quality, offering a unique taste experience that delights both connoisseurs and newcomers.

Various Products: From "Kiss of the Hazelnut" to "Dollerup Hazelnut Spirit"

The world of hazelnut spirits is diverse, offering various products with distinct characters and flavors. Two outstanding products are "Kiss of the Hazelnut" and "Dollerup Hazelnut Spirit."

Kiss of the Hazelnut

Produced by the Franz Bauer Distillery in Austria, this spirit features a sweet, full-bodied taste reminiscent of dark chocolate and waffles.

Intense Roasted Notes

  • Harmonious sweetness
  • Slight heat from alcohol

The combination of hazelnuts and subtle sweetness makes this product appealing to many consumers.

Dollerup Hazelnut Spirit

In contrast, "Dollerup Hazelnut Spirit," distilled in Germany, is the highest quality form of hazelnut spirit, made without added sugar.

Pure Nut Aromas

  • Intense nutty notes
  • No added sweetness

The Dollerup Hazelnut Spirit offers a pure taste experience that highlights the flavors of the hazelnuts.

The Future of Hazelnut Spirits

The future of hazelnut spirits looks promising. With growing interest in high-quality, handcrafted spirits, the demand for products like those from Hubertus Vallendar is expected to rise.

Trend Toward High-Quality Spirits

More consumers value the quality and origin of products. The use of high-quality hazelnuts from Piedmont will be a key factor.

Innovations in Production

New production methods and creative flavor combinations will expand the product range. Distillers will continue experimenting to create unique tastes.

Market Development and Consumer Interest

Interest in hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar will increase as consumers seek unique taste experiences. The combination of tradition and innovation will play a key role.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Hazelnut Spirits

Here are some frequently asked questions about hazelnut spirits with Hubertus Vallendar. These questions help provide more insight into the production and characteristics of these unique spirits.

What are Hazelnut Spirits?

Hazelnut spirits are high-quality spirits made from hazelnuts, often referred to as hazelnut spirit or hazelnut liqueur.

Where do the best hazelnuts come from?

The best hazelnuts come from Piedmont, Italy, known for their high quality and unique aroma.

How are hazelnut spirits made?

Production involves selecting, roasting, and distilling hazelnuts, with no added sugar to preserve the pure aromas.

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